digital advertising services
  • September 20, 2023

What Is Digital Advertising? A Guide To Beginners

“Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.”

                                                                           -KB Marketing Agency

In a global world where every next thing is now just a click away, imagining a business without its online promotion or presence is as same as waiting for an airplane on a bus stand. Sounds insane, right?

That’s how digital sphere is spreading its wings to take your business to the new heights of success. Wondering how’s that possible? Let’s have a look into one of it’s biggest ways to serve your business, that is, Digital Advertising.

What Is Digital Advertising ?

Briefly, Digital advertising is the name of using any and all digital means to promote your brand, products, or services across all the possible digital channels. It is a kind of marketing strategy that promotes a brand or business by launching advertisements through online channels like websites, streaming content, social media, search engines, and much more.

As a “paying to play” technique of online marketing, digital advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, discover new customers, and diversify their revenue streams.


With 65% of the worldwide population as internet users, digital landscape has become a fast-paced storefront for businesses to grow more rapidly than ever. Given that, digital advertising has become an integral part of marketing. Now that you know what is digital advertising, let’s dive deeper into its importance.

Importance Of Digital Advertising

Although there are countless reasons that make digital advertising as one of the most powerful ways of business marketing, the most simple yet important one is that people spend more and more time remaining connected to the internet through their computers, smartphones, and other smart home devices. Recent statistics reveal that the average time spent on the internet per user is almost around 6 hours and 40 minutes per day. Yes! And more to that, at least 1 out of every 3 people around the world shops online through digital platforms. Other benefits that add more to the importance of digital advertising are;

With its diverse range of benefits, digital advertising comes in different types.  Let’s explore some of its most popular and used types.

digital advertising services

Main Types Of Digital Advertising

Did you know? Businesses make an average of 2 USD per 1 USD spent on Google Ads. More to that, 98% of Google’s revenue comes from Google Ads! Imagine the power of different types of Google Ads that can bring you highest return on investment for your business.

The six most important and popular types of digital advertising are touched here for you to have a glimpse of it.

Search Advertising

Search advertising, also known as search engine marketing (SEM),  is typically a type of advertising that uses text ads which appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). These ads usually occur above or alongside the organic search results, like shopping ads. A study reveals that paid search advertising can increase a brand’s awareness by 80%.

Display Advertising

Display ads,  also called banner ads,  are online ads that combine text and visual elements such as, animation or imagery together. These ads appear in or alongside the content of a website. They usually involve websites, apps, and devices. As per a survey, photos and imagery posts are the most used content types to increase audience’s engagement.

Influencer Advertising

Influencer advertising is relatively a new emerging and rapidly growing type of digital advertising. It involves the collaborations with influencers who give paid promotions to a brand or products. This type of advertising is growing popular because of its vast reach of audience and increased brand awareness possibilities. 81% of marketers agree that influencer advertising works good for their businesses since 92% of people trust recommendations given by an influencer about a certain product or brand.

Social Media Advertising

Today, almost 77% of businesses use social media to reach audience. Social media advertising is a type that involves social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,  and more, for promoting ads. Just like display ads, social media ads come in many formats and placements, and support a range of creatives, ranging from images to videos and much more. However, the most engaging type of content on social media is short-form videos. While Facebook is the most used social media platform with 2.9 million of active monthly users, over 40% of global shoppers tend to purchase a product they discover on YouTube.

Online Video Advertising

This type of advertising uses video format in online-stream video ads that appear in places similar to the display ads, such as,  websites, applications, and devices. It also includes in-stream video ads that either appear before, during or after a video content. Statistics reveal that video ads are clicked 73% more often than banner ads and can increase conversions by 86%.

Streamline Media Advertising

Streamline media advertising is also called over-the-top (OTT)  and involves specific type of video ads that appear in streaming media content delivered over the internet without satellite or cable. Like other types of advertising, it aims to target a particular audience on the right platforms at the right time.

digital advertising services

Best Practices & Tips For A Successful Advertising Campaign

Turn your ads into a revenue-generating machine by following the given tips and practices;

There’s no point of selling your products if nobody knows about your brand. So, follow the best practices to create most relevant content that resonates best with your targeted audience. Remember, high-quality content builds the foundation of any promotion and engagement!

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